About Summit
Our History
The college logo reflects Summit Pacific College's location on a mountain near the Pacific Ocean in the Fraser Valley
In 1941, when the ministers of British Columbia and Yukon District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada gathered for their Conference in Vancouver, they were greatly concerned for the need of young people who were seeking to answer God's call to the Christian ministry. A suitable college for the training of such youth was seen to be an urgent need. Thus, the invitation by the official board of Glad Tidings Tabernacle of Victoria was gladly accepted, and within the facilities of that church, the British Columbia Bible Institute opened its doors in the fall of 1941. The founder and first President was Rev. Ernie W. Robinson.
As the years passed the growing college felt the need for its own campus and residences. Thus, in 1951, it moved to a residential campus in North Vancouver. In 1962 British Columbia Bible Institute was renamed Western Pentecostal Bible College. A program to add buildings and facilities saw a steady upgrading of the original plant. Nevertheless, it became evident that future requirements called for larger accommodations outside of urban restrictions. As early as 1966 there was a preliminary land purchase, but it was not until 1971 that the present site was acquired.
New campus construction began in 1973, and the college took occupation in the fall of 1974. The three original buildings (the Eric A. Hornby Memorial Academic Building, the William J. Friesen Residence, and the Ernie W. Robinson Dormitory) were augmented by the Vernon Morrison Residence in 1977 and the P.S. Jones Memorial Auditorium in 1979. The Mary Ellen Anderson Memorial Chapel was built in 1986 and the Lorne Philip Hudson Memorial Library was built in 1988. The L. T. Holdcroft Residence (2001) replaces the original Ernie W. Robinson Dormitory (1974). The Phil and Jennie Gaglardi Memorial Auditorium (2004) replaces the P.S. Jones Memorial Auditorium (1979). A new academic wing was added in 2010 called the Revival and Learning Centre.
The college crest embodies a cross to symbolize the redemptive work of Christ, an open Bible for the world, a flame representing the Holy Spirit, and a maple leaf to represent Canada.
The Greek motto means "Competency through Christ."
The college crest colours are: red, gold and sky-blue. Red speaks of the blood of Christ, gold of His deity, and blue of the heavenly destiny of God's people.
Head administrators who have served the college over the years have included: Ernie W. Robinson, 1941-56; Tom Johnstone, 1956-58; Vernon R. Morrison, 1959-68; Dr. L. Thomas Holdcroft, 1968-87; and Dr. James G. Richards, 1987-2006. The current President is Dr. Dave L. Demchuk who began his administrative leadership in December 2006.
The classroom ministry and administrative leadership as Dean and Principal of Rev. W.J. Friesen extended over many years, and he served under three presidents. Rev. and Mrs. A.J. Schindel ministered as classroom instructors and in some administrative capacities over an eighteen-year period from 1944 to 1962. Dr. Roger Stronstad taught courses from 1974 until 2016 and was the Dean of Education from 1986-2005. Dr. Wilf Hildebrandt has served as Dean of Education since 2005. Laurie Van Kleek served as an instructor and librarian from 1972-2021. Kimberly Brown took over the role of Librarian in 2021.
From the early years of the developing college, the British Columbia District Executive of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada was designated as the "Bible School Committee", and it thereby served as the Board of Governors. The District Superintendent was considered Chairman of the Board. In 1955, this arrangement was given formal sanction by approval of the District Conference. Thereafter, the District Executive, when meeting on matters concerning the college, was designated the Board of Governors. A group from within the Board, known as the Administrative Committee, was formed to handle matters involving routine business.
curriculum, and that fall the first stages of the additions were implemented. In March 1967, the British Columbia Provincial legislature granted the college a charter officially recognizing it as "a Theological College" and conferring upon it "the power to provide instruction and grant degrees in Theology, Religious Education and Sacred Music only." The charter became law when it was proclaimed in 1981.
After the move to Abbotsford was completed, it was decided to seek accreditation with the goal of granting undergraduate degrees. The college curriculum was reviewed, further developed, and refined, and the academic preparation of its faculty systematically upgraded. The library was upgraded, and the college board and academic senate were reorganized to conform to American Association of Bible College guidelines (AABC). After receiving candidate status (1976) and associate status (1978) Western was awarded full accreditation in 1980.
Once Western’s accreditation was in place the College Board petitioned the National Bible College Committee of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada for permission to grant degrees. At the Graduation ceremony in April 1982, Western awarded bachelor’s degrees to qualifying graduates for the first time in its history.
Accreditation was reaffirmed by the AABC in 1985, 1990, and 2000. In 2004 the association was renamed the ABHE (Association for Biblical Higher Education). SPC’s accreditation was reaffirmed in 2011 for ten years by the COA of the ABHE.
In 2017 the college engaged in self-study process which culminated in the submission of documentation required for the reaffirmation of accreditation. The extensive report submissions, interviews and evaluation conducted by a Team of Evaluators in 2020 was concluded in March 2021. This was a very positive process for the college and the Association for Biblical Higher Education through the Commission on Accreditation re-affirmed SPC’s accreditation for another ten years (to 2031). The college anticipates continued growth and development during the next decade of ministry.
Graduate Studies
Since 2015 SPC has offered graduate level studies that previously were taught through the Canadian Pentecostal Seminary at the Association of Theological Schools in Langley, B.C. [TWU campus]. Summit’s School of Graduate Studies (SGS) continues the mandate of CPS and offers courses of interest to Pentecostals while providing a track for PAOC credential seekers.
Since 2015 the SGS has delivered several certificates that require completion of five courses. Subject matter for each graduate certificate includes Studies in Pentecostal Theology, Church and Para-Church Leadership, New Testament Studies, and Youth Ministry.
Beginning in the Fall semester 2022, Summit will offer two MA degrees which include the MA In Youth Ministry, and MA in Theology and Spiritual Leadership. Graduate students who have completed courses or a one-year certificate will receive credit towards their MA degree.
Alternatively, students may also transfer their Summit School of Graduate Studies courses to the following institutions if they so desire: Southeastern University, TWU/ACTS Seminaries, Regent College. Academic credits from five core courses are pre-approved to be transferrable to certain study programs in the above-mentioned institutions.
Name Change
In March 2003 Western Pentecostal Bible College was renamed Summit Pacific College by an act of the British Columbia Provincial Legislature. The prospects for Summit Pacific College continue to be both encouraging and challenging. Sacrificial efforts by a host of dedicated participants and friends have built a solid foundation. Spiritually, academically, and financially Summit is firmly established. Over 80 years of ministry the college has experienced much progress.
As of April 2023, a total of 2362 students have graduated from SPC with diplomas or degrees. Many others have earned certificates. The majority of these now hold posts of responsibility as ministers, missionaries, church musicians, Christian educators, youth leaders, and similar vocations within the staffs of churches, church related institutions, charities, community service organizations and marketplace ministries. Typically, more than one-half of the pastors of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada churches in British Columbia are alumni of the college. Several others serve in provinces throughout Canada.
Our Mission
Mission Statement
Summit Pacific College exists to educate, equip and enrich Christians for Spirit-empowered ministry in the Church and in the world.
In the fulfillment of our mission, Summit Pacific College stands for a number of core values:
the academic study of the Old & New Testament Scriptures, which provide knowledge of all Bible truth and a Christian worldview;
the need for an authentic, experiential and passionate relationship with God, made possible through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ;
the person of the Holy Spirit, who fills believers and works His multi-faceted gifts in them for Spirit-empowered ministry;
Christ’s great commission and His command to love God and neighbour. This value is evidenced as believers worship God, serving His interests through evangelism and care giving, with excellence and creativity;
the Church as the redeemed community of faith who seek to live genuine spiritual, influential lives in society and;
a Biblical leadership ethic and skills that emulate the servant leadership of Jesus.
These values are the driving focus of what Summit desires to be in furthering God's kingdom. Everything Summit does is based on the compelling desire to further the kingdom of God in a challenging and changing world.
Based on our mission and values, our Institutional Outcomes are threefold:
TO EDUCATE: developing intellectual aptitudes (formal learning)
Grow in understanding of the Bible (core courses)
Grow in understanding of Christian doctrine and practice
Develop and deepen a Christian worldview
Cultivate critical and reflective thinking processes;
Develop academic skills to facilitate life-long thinking
TO EQUIP: enhancing the application of learning (practice)
Grow in disciplines and skills to be used for effective, practical ministry
Evaluate, understand and engage the culture in which the live
Understand personal leadership competencies
Exhibit ability to lead others;
TO ENRICH: facilitating growth in Christian experience & character (spiritual growth)
Progress in personal spiritual formation
Exhibit holistic personal growth - including emotional, spiritual, social and physical
Grow in the understanding of Christian service
Appreciate the importance of the local church and participate in a growing Christian community.
Accreditation & Memberships
Summit Pacific College is the theological college of the BC & Yukon District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Summit Pacific College is an accredited member of the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) (since 1980; reaffirmed in 2011 for 10 years).
Summit Pacific College was granted the Education Quality Assurance designation by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education (December 2015).
Summit Pacific College is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Summit Pacific College is a member of Christian Higher Education Canada (CHEC).
Association of Christian Schools International
Summit Pacific College is a member of The Association of Christian Schools International.
Statement of Faith
We believe:
the Holy Scriptures are the divinely inbreathed, infallible, inerrant and authoritative Word of God.
that there is one God, eternally existent in the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, His unqualified deity, His sinless humanity and perfect life, the eternal all-sufficiency of His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father's right hand and His personal coming again at His second advent.
that justification is a judicial act of God on the believer's behalf solely on the merits of Christ, and that regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
in holy living, the present day reality of the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Lord's supernatural healing of the human body.
in Christ's Lordship of the Church, the observance of the ordinances of Christian baptism by immersion for believers and the Lord's Supper.
in the eternal blessedness of the redeemed in heaven and the eternal doom of the unregenerate in the lake of fire.
Statement of Philosophy
All truth ultimately is God's truth. God exists both as the source and final object of all that can be known. Thus, the pursuit of truth is the pursuit of God. He is to be found primarily through the pages of Holy Scripture, but also through nature, history, and human conscience. In all areas in which the Scripture speaks, truth is confirmed when the scholar's insights plainly accord with the declaration of the Scripture.
Knowing His truth involves submission to Him. Although humans possess the capacity to learn, in their natural state they also possess a resistance towards God and His truth. A wholehearted commitment to Jesus Christ is an essential prerequisite to the unprejudiced pursuit of truth. When people truly submit to Jesus Christ, they reject prior prejudices.
A teacher-learning situation in a Christian setting challenges the student to the highest possible level of applied skills. Christian teachers and learners ought to be outstanding examples among all others. But beyond the conscientious application of time and energy, and the pursuit of the best of informed procedures, there is a vital spiritual relationship. Christian scholars also seek to develop a responsive submission to the Holy Spirit. They recognize that when one is pursuing God's truth, the learning process must take place in and of the Holy Spirit. This divine Spirit must be made an essential partner who expands and validates the roles of both teachers and learners.
An educational program that meets the needs of the student creatively and actively integrates faith and learning, as well as faith and culture:It admits God to all realms. It communicates understanding concerning the work of God in history and the claims of Christ in a contemporary world. The graduate is prepared to face today's society as a spokesperson of the truth of the living God and to provide Christian leadership in the world.
A God-oriented worldview embraces the whole person: The goal of the learning process is not merely an informed intellect, but a mature and stable human with sound and worthy values. The graduates of Summit's programs will usefully serve humanity in this life, and seek to qualify abundantly for the reward of God in the life to come. Graduates will strive for Christian maturity of the highest calibre, will honour the name of God, and will purpose to bless humankind.
Institutional Information
Mission, Values, & Outcomes
Mission Statement: Summit Pacific College exists to educate, equip and enrich Christians for Spirit-empowered ministry in the Church and in the world.
Values: For the fulfillment of the institutional mission, Summit Pacific College stands for a number of core values:
the academic study of the Old & New Testament Scriptures, which provide knowledge of all Bible truth and a Christian worldview;
the need for an authentic, experiential and passionate relationship with God, made possible through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ;
the person of the Holy Spirit, who fills believers and works His multi-faceted gifts in them for Spirit-empowered ministry;
Christ’s great commission and His command to love God and neighbour. This value is evidenced as believers worship God, serving His interests through evangelism and care giving, with excellence and creativity;
the Church as the redeemed community of faith who seek to live genuine spiritual, influential lives in society and;
a Biblical leadership ethic and skills that emulate the servant leadership of Jesus.
These values are the driving focus of what Summit desires to be in furthering God's kingdom. Everything Summit does is based on the compelling desire to further the kingdom of God in a challenging and changing world.
Employee Culture
To achieve the mission, values, and desirable outcomes for students who attend Summit Pacific College, the staff of the college are committed to these core ideals:
To Educate with Academic Excellence;
To Equip with Purpose
To Enrich with Authenticity
Based on the mission and values, the Institutional Outcomes for students are threefold:
TO EDUCATE: developing intellectual aptitudes (formal learning)
Grow in understanding of the Bible (core courses)
Grow in understanding of Christian doctrine and practice
Develop and deepen a Christian worldview
Cultivate critical and reflective thinking processes
Develop academic skills to facilitate life-long learning.
TO EQUIP: enhancing the application of learning (practice)
Grow in disciplines and skills to be used for effective,
practical ministry
Evaluate, understand and engage the culture in which they
Understand personal leadership competencies
Exhibit ability to lead others.
TO ENRICH: facilitating growth in Christian experience & character (spiritual growth)
Progress in personal spiritual formation
Exhibit holistic personal growth - including emotional,
spiritual, social and physical
Grow in the understanding of Christian service
Appreciate the importance of the local church and
participate in a growing Christian community.
Assessment Process
The College welcomes feedback from students during each academic year. Instruments and surveys are used to gather information, data, and comments which help the institution to address any matters requiring attention. Collected data is carefully considered, analyzed and used to address various aspects of college life. The results are summarized in the Institutional Assessment documentation and used for planning purposes.
Summit desires to be a student-centered community which facilitates a nurturing and positive learning environment. Assessment results help to determine the extent of student learning and development according to certain measures and benchmarks. These efforts are used to improve the quality and services that the College desires to provide for its students.
The mission, objectives, and values of Summit Pacific College are intentional so that its activities lead to the following Institutional Outcomes for Summit graduates. In addition to collecting data from assessment instruments, the stated Learning Outcomes are measured using the following methods:
Growth in Biblical Literacy
Summit endeavors to increase each student’s understanding of the Bible and Christian Doctrine.
Biblical literacy testing upon entry and at graduation.
Course grading of essays and exams for Bible and Theological knowledge.
Preaching & Teaching assignments.
Spirit-Empowered Ministry
As a college that prepares many of its students for ministry (professional or volunteer) within the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), our desire is for students to understand and practice a vibrant Pentecostal Spirituality.
Student Council & Leadership involvement, formation and development.
Spiritual inventory survey results.
Church & Chapel ministry participation and experience.
Denominational license application, exam and interview
Internship feedback, supervisor evaluation, reports and experience.
Wholistic Learning
Together with the College’s goals for Biblical and theological literacy, graduates should reflect clear thinking and writing skills, as well as a high level of competency in their chosen program.
Academic course achievements; Assignment Product Assessment.
Development in writing skills (Course essay and Portfolio work).
Reading comprehension and critical reflective thought development.
Overall GPA attainment.
Mature Biblical Discipleship & Leadership
A student should be a growing disciple of Jesus Christ, with a renewed mind, whose life and relationships reflect the nature of our Lord. A growing disciple of Christ will practice spiritual disciplines and follow both the Great Commission and Great Commandment.
Growth in spiritual disciplines.
Mentoring relationships.
Fostering mature relationships with others.
Observation and practice of Biblical, ethical standards.
Participation in leadership, and ministry opportunities.
Response to ministry and global service opportunities.
Integrate, Understand and Engage Culture
Graduates will be called upon to live out their faith in cultures where the Christian faith is increasingly marginalized. They must understand the characteristics of a Christian worldview and be able to practically apply that knowledge to how they live.
Comprehend and communicate a Christian worldview.
Understand and appreciate diverse cultural perspectives.
Exhibit a growing appreciation for cultural diversity.
Evidence an ability to address cultural issues [course presentations].
Institutional Assessment
In 2020 Summit Pacific College finalized a Self-Study process which is required for accreditation by the Association for Biblical Higher Education. The process is a culmination of assessment work over a ten-year period which leads to the re-affirmation of an institution’s accreditation status. The study provides reports and data which present how the college meets the standards of education that are necessary for degree granting institutions. The documentation required for this comprises of several major reports which are supported by virtually all of the college’s documents, financial statements, handbooks and manuals.
Self-Study Documents: The ABHE requires the following documents which collectively form the self-study materials required for a team visit.
Statistical Abstract: This document is an overall summary of the institution, the programs offered, enrollment numbers, library stats, finance information, and ministry formation data. The statistical abstract provides a four-year snapshot of information for external evaluators.
Compliance Document: The Compliance Document is the institution’s description and evaluation of its fulfilment of the Standards for Accreditation, including the achievement of each Essential Element within each Standard. The narrative, or analysis includes 12 chapters of concise content (about 100 pages excluding exhibits).
Assessment Plan: The Assessment Plan describes the process and timeline (cycle) for gathering assessment data and evidence of achievement of goals and objectives. It represents the directions or instruction manual for conducting assessment at the institution. It organizes the on-going collection of data, facts, and evidence of outcomes into a systematic whole. The plan provides for the collection, organization, storage, and analysis of data to ensure that the institution knows the extent to which it is achieving its mission, goals, and objectives. The Assessment Plan defines intended outcomes, including indicators of satisfactory performance or achievement.
An adapted summary of this document is the basis for some of the statistics reported for Institutional Assessment data (cf. “SPC Institutional Assessment & Effectiveness 2021”). A copy of this document may be requested from the Dean of Education.
Planning Document: The Planning document outlines the action steps that an institution anticipates taking to deal with issues arising from assessment findings and compliance conclusions. It serves as the roadmap for change, as well as the timeline for accountability. The Planning Document lays out actions and timelines for achieving preferred change over the next five years.
The institution’s vision for the future is a summary of the issues addressed in the planning document. The vision represents an institution’s aspirations, hopes, and dreams. Accordingly, it frequently deals with the “opportunities” and “threats” facing an institution. When all sources of issues are combined, a comprehensive strategic plan was developed based on a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, or limitations, opportunities, and threats) analysis which was conducted by Faculty and Staff members.
During this past academic year, the Operations Committee was tasked by the Board of Governors to take a comprehensive review of each program at Summit, in order to gather information that will inform the next strategic five-year plans for the college. The review measures the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that face the institution in the light of the changing ethos of post-secondary education and the characteristics of todays’ student body. The resulting strategic plan will be shaped by a cooperative effort between the operations team, staff, faculty, and board members.
Since the college was able to effectively implement the goals and plans that were in the last 5-year cycle of activities, Summit is preparing another 5-year institutional plan for 2023 to 2028. The plan addresses issues of mission, student learning, institutional effectiveness and integrity, governance, administration, all necessary resources, finance, enrolment, staffing and academic programs.
The statistics below reflect where SPC graduates were at the time of data collection. These numbers change constantly as graduates make occasional employment and educational transitions. Staff and Faculty make annual updates based on information collected from May to July each year.
During graduate “exit interviews” more than 50% typically indicate that they desire to serve in pastoral ministry positions and others transition towards their earned degree related vocations [counselling; music, global work or not for profit organizations].
Students who desire credentials with the PAOC apply to the BCYD district, write an external examination, and are interviewed in a process that may lead to ministry credentials. Characteristically, one third of the graduating class applies for PAOC credentials in BC. In 2022, 14 grads out of 34 applied for credentials and 12 had ministry placements in less than a year. In 2023, 13 grads applied for credentials and 8 had ministry placements shortly after). However, several students defer credential applications until they are ready or apply in other provinces.
Whenever possible, program directors and faculty assist students who look for ministry and work prospects. The college keeps an updated information board for work and internship opportunities. Faculty try to remain in contact with graduates to support their progress and ministry accomplishments. In addition to the statistics below, the Program Outcomes Data document provides more detailed information regarding graduate achievements and placements (this may be downloaded from the colleges’ website; cf. "SPC Program Outcomes Data”).
Graduate placement numbers are listed below and are updated annually as program directors become aware of transitions. For more details on Program enrolment numbers, graduation rates and job placement %, please refer to the website linked document (“SPC Institutional Assessment & Effectiveness 2021”). For the eight programs that Summit offers, the placement rates of graduates who find employment in the ministry of their education and goals within a two-year period range between 55 to 80%.
Those listed in Church Ministry are usually serving in the area of their major and are in Pastoral roles. This includes graduates who serve as global workers or institutional chaplains. In some cases, the numbers may include a spouse who serves together in a ministry position.
In their graduating year, it is typical for some graduates to take whatever jobs are available until they can secure a ministry position. Therefore, some of the graduates of 2022 and 2023 are still in a transition phase.
Graduates who are taking further Education are usually in seminary, but some do take studies at secular universities for diverse societal positions.
General Work reflects a variety of vocations, including marketplace ministry. Several graduates accept work opportunities until their ministry goals materialize. However, current data indicates that several graduates are using their education in business roles and for-profit institutions that also have a ministry edge.
Christian Employment refers to work related to a student’s program, but the primary activity is in a faith-based parachurch, college, school, business, non-profit institution, NGO, or community or social service occupation.
Current information also indicates that recent graduates have a high level of engagement in local churches where they voluntarily serve in ministries pertaining to their program emphases—especially when their full-time employment is in secular or social service work.
Year | Grads | Church Ministry |
Education |
General |
Christian Employment |
2016 | 39 | 19 | 2 | 4 | 14 |
2017 | 46 | 15 | 3 | 15 | 13 |
2018 | 30 | 11 | 4 | 7 | 8 |
2019 | 26 | 16 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
2020 | 39 | 19 | 2 | 6 | 12 |
2021 | 31 | 16 | 3 | 3 | 9 |
2022 | 34 | 11 | 5 | 8 | 10 |
2023 | 40 | 16 | 6 | 10 | 8 |
Students are mainly from the BC/Yukon district at 70% with the rest coming from other provinces. Several different denominations are represented at Summit with about 23% attending from non-PAOC churches. During the pandemic period with various restrictions, enrolment numbers were down due to the uncertainty caused. However, with new programs and delivery options for students the future is bright.
During the years of 2019 to 2023, 88% of students who entered college at SPC completed their programs. The average retention rate during the same period is 81%. The overall average GPA for students this past year was 2.85. However, the average GPA of graduating students from degree programs over the past 4 years is 3.48.
During the pandemic the Student Ministry opportunities were curtailed, and mission trips cancelled. However, for almost two years, service participation was renewed. It is estimated that SPC students contribute more than 30,000 hours of volunteer ministry service each academic year. This service includes community work, church and parachurch ministry, internship assistance, and mission trip focused ministry support. In May 2022, fifty students and leaders travelled to Europe for service-related work in several countries. In May 2023 about 40 students and leaders served communities in several countries of Southeast Asia.
As of April 2023, a total of 2362 students have graduated from SPC with diplomas or degrees. Many others have earned certificates. The majority of these now hold posts of responsibility as ministers, missionaries, church musicians, Christian educators, youth leaders, and similar vocations within the staffs of churches, church related institutions, charities, community service organizations and marketplace ministries. Typically, more than one-half of the pastors of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada churches in British Columbia are alumni of the college. Several others serve in provinces throughout Canada.
As part of SPC's assessment process, the college invites students to reflect on their educational experience and provide feedback on institutional services. The "Student Satisfaction Inventory" was administered in April 2022 with 109 responses. This included representation from all 4 year class levels, campus residents, commuters; both part-time & full-time students. Results were compared with other Canadian institutions similar to Summit and the following strengths rated highly.
The 2022 report can be downloaded here.
Results from 2014-2019 are available below.